Central Valley Veterinary Hospital

Pet Nutrition

Going to a pet/grocery store to buy pet food can be a very frustrating and confusing exercise nowadays. The nutrients in a pets diet should be considered more valuable than the ingredient list. What does not go on the pet food label is how the food is processed, how digestible each component is, where the ingredients come from (i.e. supplier), and how many ingredients vary from batch to batch (depending on what is cheapest).

A good quality pet foods is processed in such a way that nutrients are optimally digestible (i.e. the pet eats less and passes less stool). Good pet foods obtain their ingredients from a reputable supplier (i.e. a proper feedlot as opposed to back alley slaughterhouses where the animals have been pumped full of antibiotics prior to dying and being sold for pet food). Low grade pet foods will often vary ingredients depending on what is cheapest at that time. This requires an adjustment in your pet's digestive system and may result in diarrhea or lack of interest in the food.
The Benefits of Eating A High Quality Diet:
Coat - healthier, shiner, less shedding, lower incidence of skin disease.
Bowel function - stools firmer, less volume, less gas.
Skeletal system - healthier bones and joints, perhaps slower onset of arthritis.
Healthier urinary tract - this is especially true in cats and small breed dogs.
Slower brain aging.
Central Valley Veterinary Hospital has provided some questions to ask a pet food company to help you make an informed decision.
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